Dalkia Solutions Blog

EnterpriseSmartGrid.org is launched - Dalkia

Written by proadmin | Jun 29, 2011 2:55:42 AM


Today we launched our new site enterprisesmartgrid.org.  Our idea to develop it came as we were conducting our initial customer research on the ESG market.  As we tested the three functional areas, (Visibility, Control and Integration) with corporate energy, facility and sustainability managers,  some began commenting that even the term “Enterprise Smart Grid” resonated with them.

So using Marketing 101 we knew that by developing a .org vendor neutral, collaborative blog, twitter, newslisting we could likely bring together an even broader group of interested people around the ESG concept.

As we learned when we launched the term “Enterprise Carbon Accounting” in 2009, sometimes a market’s name can take on a changed, broader meaning as more people begin using it, something no one person or organization can control – now we’ll get to see if that’s the case again with “Enterprise Smart Grid.”