In last week’s Traditional Energy Audits Are So Yesterday we noted that the recently introduced ISO 50001 energy management standard may help companies establish their own energy management process. Where audits are a snapshot look at usage, ISO 50001 gives them a “Plan-Do-Check-Act” framework for energy usage in their business.
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ISO 50001

For years large ESCO’s (Johnson Controls, Siemens, Honeywell, etc.) have been performing Level Three Investment Grade Audits (IGAs), which are required for MUSH/Federal performance contracts. Their audits produce a detailed energy savings spreadsheet which makes it possible for a tax-exempt entity to issue bonds which pay for the retrofits, all leveraging the ESCO’s “guarantee” for the projected savings.
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Energy Efficiency,
level 3 energy audit,
energy audit,
level 2 energy audit,
Enterprise Smart Grid

As this heat bubble hovers over New England many folks are heading home on a Friday night to turn on two things – the Red Sox and their air conditioners.
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heat wave,
Energy Cost,
residential air conditioner use

Of course the conventional view is that the smart grid market will be “huge” – and the target for smart grid today is squarely on the residential market. So it shouldn’t be missed that within days of each other both Google and Microsoft killed their initial home energy software applications.
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Google PowerMeter,
Microsoft Hohm,
Enterprise Smart Grid
Jim Rogers from Duke Energy famously promotes efficiency as the “5th Fuel” in the world-wide portfolio of energy production. He echoes the consensus that renewable energy requires massive incentives to make it financially viable, while energy efficiency does not, and hence these opportunities should be more actively addressed.
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Energy Efficiency,
utility rebates,
energy efficiency incentives
Like a trendy social networking term, fracking has entered everyday conversation. For the sake of the US economy we should all hope the trend is not fleeting….
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Energy Cost,
fracking impact on energy prices,
spark spread
Whenever a utility offers our customer on-bill financing we know we’ll be installing this energy efficiency project within a few months. Our hit rate for these projects is literally 100%.
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Energy Efficiency,
On Bill Finance,
Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant pro,
DOE Loan Guarantee,
utility bill financing