With our $2.6 million investment announcement we described that a portion of these proceeds would fund our CESA (Corporate Energy Services Agreement), our PPA for energy efficiency we began delivering in 2009.
With our $2.6 million investment announcement we described that a portion of these proceeds would fund our CESA (Corporate Energy Services Agreement), our PPA for energy efficiency we began delivering in 2009.
Topics: CESA, energy efficiency financing, Shared Savings, Power Purchase Agreement, PPA for Energy Efficiency, PACE, Corporate Energy Services Agreement, performance contract
When our engineers step onto a roof and see cooling towers with multiple cells/fans they see energy $avings.
Topics: Variable Frequency Drives, Cooling Tower, Energy Saving VFD, VFD
In 2008, when Groom Energy named and published the first report on “Enterprise Carbon Accounting” (ECA) the corporate world was just starting to track their GHG emissions as a new metric for their company’s sustainability efforts. The financial markets hadn’t yet collapsed and EHS managers were using speadsheets to build GHG baselines and begin regular reporting to the EPA’s Climate Leaders and the Carbon Disclosure Project. We tracked initially 40, and later 75, software vendors with GHG tracking and reporting solutions for this new market.
Topics: Enterprise Carbon Accounting, Enterprise Carbon Accounting (ECA), 2011 EECA report, EECA, ECA, Enterprise Energy and Carbon Accounting (EECA)
As Boston faces its fourth major snow storm in a month many New Englanders have sunk deep into the “dark months” blues. And each day as I stare at Groom Energy’s snow-covered solar array I can’t dismiss some level of guilt for our environmental faux pas.
Topics: Solar PV, snow covered solar, Renewable Energy, Harvard solar PV
Today I attended the Clean Economy Network‘s first conference in Washington, DC, fittingly on the eve of President Obama’s State of the Union address.
Topics: Energy Efficiency, State of the Union, Federal Grants, Clean Economy Summit, Clean Energy grants, Sputnik moment
With last night’s tax bill passage by the House, the renewable energy industry has been given a wonderful holiday gift. But this toy’s battery only lasts one year and you might not be able to replace it.
Topics: Solar PV, Federal Grants, renewable grants, Section 1603, Renewable Energy
Tomorrow we’re announcing the publication of our research report Enterprise LED Lighting, distributed with our partners at GreentechMedia.
Topics: LED lighting, C&I lighting, C&I LED lighting, commercial led lighting, industrial led lighting, Digital Lumens, LED retrofit, Enterprise LED Lighting, cold storage
Today I’m attending the 27th annual NAESCO conference in Phoenix, AZ, a conference that serves as an annual checkpoint for the ESCO industry.
Topics: Energy Efficiency, Solar PV, Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant pro, ESCO, performance contracting, Investment Tax Credit
When non-engineers hear the term “building envelope” they typically think of drafty old homes with leaky windows and steam radiators overheating a bedroom while uninsulated parts of the house remain frigid. Cash for Caulkers (the currently proposed and stalled Federal legislation) epitomized the fix for this problem – create new green jobs by arming construction teams with caulk guns for sealing old windows and doors and insulation to stuff into hollow walls, saving taxpayers money and helping our economy.
Topics: Energy Efficiency, homestar, Cash for caulkers, thermal image, Building Envelope
Today we’re excited to announce that Groom Energy has been awarded US patent #7,771,083 for our GES Hybrid, the energy efficient lighting retrofit product we originally started to develop in 2006.
Our idea came when we saw newly installed HID lighting fixtures that were perfectly fine, but whose energy consumption could be cut in half just by replacing their guts – meaning their relatively inefficient HID lamp and magnetic ballast. Like all things in energy efficiency this had to be done a very low cost to make it interesting.
We literally banged out metal framed retrofit samples in Bob’s basement, then tinkered for several months to come up with a final design which could be used in a wide variety of fixture types (a universal design), generate strong light output (our reflector) and, most importantly, be fully installed for a low cost.
With the help of our legal team we learned how to document our invention for the USPTO noting absolutely everything around our design and all relevant prior art. Along the way we never stopped manufacturing and delivering
Topics: GES Hybrid, Lighting retrofit